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Dear Ann, thank you for the lovely letter that I received yesterday. I am starting to feel much better now, although my

Dear Ann, thank you for the lovely letter that I received yesterday. I am starting to feel much better now, although my leg is still causing some discomfort if I walk too much. As you are aware, last weekend I made the decision to visit some friends of mine who live not too far from my house.


Dear Ann,

Thank you for your kind letter. I received it yesterday and I am delighted to hear from you. I wanted to update you on my current health condition. I am feeling much better now compared to before, although I still experience some discomfort in my leg when I walk too much.

Last weekend, I decided to visit some friends who live close to my house. This decision was based on a few reasons. Firstly, I had been feeling quite isolated and lonely during my recovery from being unwell. I thought that spending time with my friends would help uplift my spirits and provide some much-needed social interaction.

Additionally, my friends have been incredibly supportive during this difficult time for me. They have constantly checked in on me and offered their assistance whenever needed. I wanted to express my gratitude to them for their kindness and wanted to spend some quality time with them as a way of showing my appreciation.

The proximity of their house to mine played a part in the decision as well. Since my leg is still causing discomfort, I needed to avoid excessive walking or long journeys. Luckily, my friends live relatively close by, so it was a convenient option.

To ensure a smooth visit, I took some precautions to minimize the strain on my leg. Firstly, I planned my visit during a time when I knew I would not have to walk long distances. I also packed some comfortable shoes and made sure to take regular breaks to rest and alleviate any pain or discomfort.

During my visit, my friends and I engaged in various activities that did not require much physical exertion. We spent time chatting and catching up, enjoyed delicious meals together, played board games, and watched movies. It was a relaxing and enjoyable experience that helped distract me from any physical discomfort.

Overall, my decision to visit my friends was motivated by the need for emotional support and the desire to express my appreciation for their kindness. The close proximity of their house was a practical consideration to minimize any additional strain on my leg.

Thank you once again for your kind letter, Ann. I hope this provides you with a detailed and comprehensive understanding of my decision.

Warm regards,
[Your Name]