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1) Has he gone to Las Vegas and not returned yet? 2) How many times have I been to England? 3) How many times has she

1) Has he gone to Las Vegas and not returned yet?
2) How many times have I been to England?
3) How many times has she been to this camp?
4) Have they gone to the theatre? You will have to wait.
5) Where did Kate go? Did she go to the corner shop?


1) Has he gone to Las Vegas and not returned yet?
To answer this question, we need to analyze the sentence. The sentence starts with «Has he» which indicates that we are discussing a male person. Then it mentions «gone to Las Vegas» meaning this person has gone to Las Vegas. Finally, it states «and not returned yet» implying that the person has not come back from Las Vegas.
So, the answer to this question would be «Yes, he has gone to Las Vegas and he has not returned yet.»

2) How many times have I been to England?
This question implies that the person asking the question has been to England multiple times. It starts with «How many times» which indicates the inquiry of a count. Then it mentions «have I been to England» which means the person speaking or asking the question has visited England.
To answer this question, the person needs to recall the number of times they have visited England and provide that number as the answer. For example, if they have been to England five times, the answer would be «I have been to England five times.»

3) How many times has she been to this camp?
Similar to the previous question, this one inquires about the number of times someone has visited a specific camp. It starts with «How many times» indicating a count, then it mentions «has she been to this camp» referring to a female person who has been to the mentioned camp.
To answer this question, the person needs to know the number of times the female person has been to the camp and provide that number as the answer. For example, if she has been to the camp three times, the answer would be «She has been to this camp three times.»

4) Have they gone to the theatre? You will have to wait.
This sentence is in the form of an inquiry and a statement. First, it asks if a specific group of people has gone to the theater. Then it states that the person asking the question will have to wait for the answer or confirmation.
To answer this question, the person needs to know if the group of people has gone to the theater or not. If they have gone to the theater, the answer would be «Yes, they have gone to the theater.» However, if they have not gone to the theater, the answer would be «No, they have not gone to the theater.»

5) Where did Kate go? Did she go to the corner shop?
This question is asking about Kate’s location or destination. It starts with «Where did Kate go?» signaling an inquiry about where Kate has gone. Then it provides a suggestion, «Did she go to the corner shop?» implying that the person is unsure if Kate went to the corner shop or not.
To answer this question, the person needs to know Kate’s actual destination. If she went to the corner shop, the answer would be «Yes, she went to the corner shop.» However, if she did not go to the corner shop, the answer would be «No, she did not go to the corner shop.»