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4. What are the English equivalents for the following phrases in the text: 1. around the world 2. colorful fish 3

4. What are the English equivalents for the following phrases in the text: 1. around the world 2. colorful fish 3. playgrounds 4. take a map 5. three little pigs 6. different kinds of animals How can it be done?


To find the English equivalents for the given phrases, you can follow these steps:

1. Read the text carefully and identify the phrases mentioned.
2. Translate each phrase into English, keeping in mind the context provided in the text.
3. Use your knowledge of English vocabulary and meanings to choose appropriate translations for each phrase.

Here are the English equivalents for the mentioned phrases:

1. around the world — all over the world, globally
Explanation: This phrase indicates that something is happening or exists in various places worldwide.

2. colorful fish — brightly-colored fish, vibrant fish
Explanation: This phrase describes fish that have vivid and diverse colors.

3. playgrounds — recreational areas, play areas
Explanation: This phrase refers to designated spaces or areas where children can play and engage in recreational activities.

4. take a map — bring a map, carry a map
Explanation: This phrase suggests the action of bringing or having a map with you, usually for navigation or reference purposes.

5. three little pigs — three small pigs
Explanation: This phrase refers to a specific count of pigs that are small in size or age, typically used in a story or fable context.

6. different kinds of animals — various types of animals, diverse species of animals
Explanation: This phrase indicates that there are multiple or various types or species of animals present.

Remember, translating phrases requires understanding the meaning within the given context. Using your knowledge of English vocabulary, you can choose the most appropriate translation to convey the intended meaning.