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1. When did Hiram Bingham discover Machu Picchu in 1912? 2. Do the Incas live there? 3. What is responsible for

1. When did Hiram Bingham discover Machu Picchu in 1912?
2. Do the Incas live there?
3. What is responsible for destroying buildings?
4. Did many buildings survive?
5. Who constructed terraced fields?
6. Were the Incas known for being clever people?


1. Hiram Bingham discovered Machu Picchu in 1912 during his explorations of the region.

Explanation: Hiram Bingham was an American explorer and historian who stumbled upon the ruins of Machu Picchu while searching for the lost city of Vilcabamba in Peru. It was on July 24, 1911, when Bingham first came across the site, however, it wasn’t until 1912 that he fully revealed his findings to the scientific community.

2. No, the Incas did not live in Machu Picchu at the time of its discovery.

Explanation: While the exact purpose of Machu Picchu still remains unknown, archaeologists and historians believe that it wasn’t a permanent residence for the Incas. Instead, it is believed to have served as a retreat or sacred site for Inca leaders and elite members. It was likely abandoned and hidden after the Spanish conquest of the Inca Empire.

3. Various factors are responsible for destroying buildings at Machu Picchu.

Explanation: Machu Picchu is located in a region prone to earthquakes, landslides, and weathering. Over time, these natural forces can cause deterioration and destruction of the structures. Additionally, human activities such as looting and misguided restoration attempts have also contributed to the damage.

4. Despite some destruction, many buildings at Machu Picchu have survived.

Explanation: Machu Picchu’s remote location and the fact that it was hidden from the Spanish conquistadors helped to preserve many of its buildings. Although some structures have suffered damage over the centuries, a significant portion of the site including numerous temples, homes, and agricultural terraces has managed to survive.

5. The Incas themselves were responsible for constructing the terraced fields.

Explanation: The Incas were skilled engineers and builders, and they constructed the terraced fields at Machu Picchu. These agricultural terraces were built on the steep slopes of the mountains surrounding the site and were carefully designed to create flat areas for farming crops such as maize, potatoes, and quinoa.

6. Yes, the Incas were known for being clever and advanced in many aspects.

Explanation: The Incas were an advanced civilization known for their impressive engineering skills and architectural achievements. They constructed extensive road networks, irrigation systems, and stone structures of remarkable precision. Their ability to adapt to and thrive in various environments, as well as their sophisticated agricultural practices, showcases their intelligence and innovation.