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1. When did Yuri Dolgoruky pass away? 2. To which city did Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky transfer the capital? 3. What was

1. When did Yuri Dolgoruky pass away?
2. To which city did Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky transfer the capital?
3. What was the outcome of the battle between Prince Alexander Nevsky and the Swedes in 1240?
4. How did he utilize a large number of letters?
5. Did I mention that I will send you a letter?
6. What did he do when I called him?
7. Can you describe the current weather?
8. How do you feel about winter? Does it frequently snow?
9. Do you think it will snow tonight?
10. Did it snow yesterday evening?
11. What a pleasant day! The sun is shining brightly.


1. Yuri Dolgoruky passed away in the year 1157. He was a Russian prince and the founder of Moscow.
The answer to this question is based on historical records and accounts of Yuri Dolgoruky’s life and death.

2. Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky transferred the capital to the city of Vladimir. He ruled as the Grand Prince of Vladimir-Suzdal from 1157 until his death in 1174. Bogolyubsky moved the capital from Kiev to Vladimir to establish a stronger and more centralized rule in the region.

3. The outcome of the battle between Prince Alexander Nevsky and the Swedes in 1240 was a victory for Prince Alexander Nevsky and his forces. The battle, known as the Battle of the Neva, took place near the Neva River in present-day Russia. Nevsky successfully defended Novgorod against the Swedish invasion and secured his position as a prominent leader in Russian history.

4. It is unclear who you are referring to in this question. Without further context, it is difficult to provide a specific answer.

5. No, you did not mention that you will send a letter. It is important to clearly communicate your intentions and follow through on any promises you make.

6. Without knowing who «he» refers to in this question, it is difficult to provide a specific answer. The actions taken by the person you called would depend on their individual circumstances and personality.

7. Unfortunately, as an AI language model, I do not have real-time information and cannot describe the current weather. You can check a reliable weather forecast or consult a weather website or app for accurate and up-to-date information about the weather in your specific location.

8. The feelings about winter can vary from person to person. Some people enjoy the winter season and activities such as skiing, ice skating, or cozying up by the fireplace. Others may not enjoy the cold weather or find it challenging to deal with the shorter daylight hours. It is a personal preference and can depend on individual experiences and cultural background. As for the frequency of winter, it depends on the geographical location. Some regions experience longer and harsher winters, while others have milder and shorter winter seasons.