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1) We dont attend a gymnasium. 2) I havent done my homework. 3) Nelly isnt writing now. 4) Alice doesnt live in

1) We dont attend a gymnasium.
2) I havent done my homework.
3) Nelly isnt writing now.
4) Alice doesnt live in London.
5) He hasnt lost his key.
6) Dad wont come home in 2 hours.
7) My friends werent at a night club yesterday.
8) She wont be watching her favorite soap opera when I come home.
9) The girls havent bought a nice present for Irene.
10) I dont speak English.


1) We don’t attend a gymnasium.
This means that we do not go to a gymnasium or a school that focuses on academics.
Explanation: The verb «attend» is used to indicate going to or being present at a place, such as a school or an event. In this sentence, the subject (we) is stating that they do not go to a gymnasium.

2) I haven’t done my homework.
This means that the person speaking has not completed their homework yet.
Explanation: The verb «haven’t done» is used to indicate that the action of doing the homework has not been completed. The pronoun «I» implies that the speaker is referring to themselves.

3) Nelly isn’t writing now.
This means that Nelly is not currently engaged in the act of writing.
Explanation: The verb «isn’t writing» indicates that the action of writing is not happening at the moment. The subject (Nelly) is specified to make it clear who is not writing.

4) Alice doesn’t live in London.
This means that Alice does not reside in the city of London.
Explanation: The verb «doesn’t live» implies that Alice does not currently have her permanent home in London. The subject (Alice) is specified to indicate who does not live in London.

5) He hasn’t lost his key.
This means that the person being referred to has not misplaced or cannot find their key.
Explanation: The verb «hasn’t lost» indicates that the action of losing the key has not occurred. The pronoun «he» is used to specify who has not lost their key.

6) Dad won’t come home in 2 hours.
This means that the speaker’s father will not return to their home for two more hours.
Explanation: The modal verb «won’t» is used to indicate a future action that will not happen. The subject (Dad) is specified to indicate who will not come home in two hours.

7) My friends weren’t at a night club yesterday.
This means that the speaker’s friends were not present at a night club on the previous day.
Explanation: The verb «weren’t» is used to indicate that the action of being at the night club did not happen in the past. The possessive pronoun «my» is used to indicate whose friends were not at the club.

8) She won’t be watching her favorite soap opera when I come home.
This means that the person being referred to will not be watching their favorite soap opera when the speaker arrives home.
Explanation: The modal verb «won’t be watching» is used to indicate a future action that will not be happening. The pronoun «she» is used to specify who will not be watching her favorite soap opera.

9) The girls haven’t bought a nice present for Irene.
This means that the group of girls has not purchased a nice gift for Irene.
Explanation: The verb «haven’t bought» indicates that the action of buying the present has not occurred. The definite article «the» is used to imply a specific group of girls, and «Irene» is mentioned as the recipient of the present.

10) I don’t speak English.
This means that the person speaking does not possess the ability to communicate in English.
Explanation: The verb «don’t speak» indicates that the action of speaking in the English language does not happen. The pronoun «I» is used to clarify who does not speak English.