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A. Finish the sentence: Ann wants to ___ the skirt. B. Complete the phrase: The skirt is ___. C. What does Ann decide

A. Finish the sentence: Ann wants to ___ the skirt.
B. Complete the phrase: The skirt is ___.
C. What does Ann decide to do with the skirt?


A. Finish the sentence: Ann wants to ___ the skirt.
To answer this question, we need to understand what «finish» means in the context of the sentence. In this case, «finish» implies that Ann wants to complete or do something to the skirt. There are a few possibilities for how to finish the skirt. Here are a few likely options:

1. Ann wants to sew the skirt.
2. Ann wants to alter the skirt.
3. Ann wants to hem the skirt.
4. Ann wants to decorate the skirt.
5. Ann wants to iron or press the skirt.

B. Complete the phrase: The skirt is ___.
To complete this phrase, we need to describe the current state or condition of the skirt. Here are a few possibilities:

1. The skirt is new.
2. The skirt is blue/pink/green/etc. (color).
3. The skirt is long/short.
4. The skirt is made of silk/cotton/polyester/etc. (material).
5. The skirt is clean/dirty.

C. What does Ann decide to do with the skirt?
To answer this question, we need to consider the context given in the previous sentences. As we know that Ann wants to finish the skirt, that usually implies that there is some work to be done on it. Based on this information, we can speculate a few possible decisions Ann might make about the skirt:

1. Ann decides to take the skirt to a tailor to have it sewn or altered professionally.
2. Ann decides to hem the skirt herself using a needle, thread, and possibly a sewing machine.
3. Ann decides to decorate the skirt with fabric paint or embroidery.
4. Ann decides to iron or press the skirt to remove wrinkles or give it a more polished look.

Ultimately, without more information about Ann’s preferences or skills, it is difficult to determine exactly what Ann will decide to do with the skirt.