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3 Make suggestions to your family about sustainability by completing the sentences. 1 If your shower lasts longer than

3 Make suggestions to your family about sustainability by completing the sentences.
1 If your shower lasts longer than five minutes, you can reduce the time.
2 There will be consequences if you dispose of more than a certain amount of waste.
3 You can contribute to sustainability by reducing the amount of waste you throw away.
4 Think about turning off the heating in your room to save energy.
5 Enhance sustainability by planting vegetables in the garden.


more trees in your garden or community.
6 Use reusable water bottles instead of buying single-use plastic bottles.
7 Consider walking or biking instead of driving short distances to reduce air pollution.
8 Invest in energy-efficient appliances to conserve electricity.
9 Hang your clothes to dry instead of using a dryer to save energy.
10 Support local farmers and buy locally grown food to reduce carbon emissions from transportation.