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One autumn day, a chicken glanced through her window and noticed an apple tree located close to her residence. Its

One autumn day, a chicken glanced through her window and noticed an apple tree located close to her residence. Its quite peculiar, she remarked. There was no tree in that spot yesterday. Certain individuals among us grow at a more rapid pace compared to others, responded the tree. The chicken observed the tree once more and commented, I have witnessed a tree that possesses legs and two ears. Some of individuals among us grow faster than others, replied the tree.


legs, ears, and other body parts, responded the tree. The chicken was surprised and asked, «How is it possible for a tree to have legs and ears?» The tree explained, «Well, there are different types of living organisms in this world, and trees are just one type. Some trees have evolved to have different features, like legs and ears, to adapt to their environment.»

The chicken was fascinated and asked, «Can you show me this tree with legs and ears?» The tree replied, «Of course, follow me.» The chicken hopped out of her window and followed the tree to a nearby grove.

As they reached the grove, the chicken saw a tree that indeed had legs and ears. It looked very different from other trees she had seen before. The tree with legs and ears was standing tall and had branches that resembled arms and hands. Its «legs» were actually strong roots that extended from the trunk and touched the ground, giving it a unique appearance.

The chicken asked the tree, «Why does this tree have legs and ears? What purpose do they serve?» The tree explained, «This particular tree belongs to a species called ‘Walking Trees.’ They have evolved to have legs to move around and ears to better sense their surroundings. The legs help them search for sunlight and water, while the ears allow them to hear the sounds of animals or approaching danger.»

The chicken was amazed by the tree’s explanation. She had never imagined that trees could have such diverse characteristics. She thanked the tree for sharing this information and went back to her residence, feeling enlightened.

In conclusion, the story emphasizes the diversity of living organisms and their ability to adapt to different environments. While some trees may have legs and ears, it is important to remember that this is just one example of variation in nature. By observing and appreciating the uniqueness of each living organism, we can gain a deeper understanding of the world around us.