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1. How would you complete these sentences? It is possible to have more than one answer. 2. How would you describe

1. How would you complete these sentences? It is possible to have more than one answer.
2. How would you describe someone with very light skin?
3. What do they both have in terms of their hair?
4. How would you describe someone who is not too tall or too short?
5. What is one description of her brothers physique?
6. What does she not prefer in men regarding their hair?
7. What did he look like the last time you saw him in terms of his facial hair?
8. How would you describe his physique in terms of muscle?
9. What was the skill level of both men?
10. What is the common hair color among all of them?

43.2. How would you replace the underlined word in each sentence with a more suitable or polite word?


1. The completion of the sentences will depend on the specific context provided or the preferences of the person answering. Here are a few possible ways to complete the sentences:

— It is possible to have more than one answer.
— It is possible to have more than one solution.
— It is possible to have more than one correct option.

2. Someone with very light skin can be described as having fair or pale skin. They may also be referred to as having a light complexion or being «fair-skinned.»

3. Both individuals being referred to have hair. This implies that they possess hair on their heads, which is a common characteristic for most people.

4. Someone who is not too tall or too short can be described as being of average height or of moderate stature. They may also be referred to as being of average height range or being «medium-sized.»

5. Without further context or details, it is not possible to determine a specific description of her brother’s physique. However, possible descriptions could include tall, muscular, slim, or athletic, depending on the physical appearance of her brothers.

6. The sentence states that she does not prefer something in men regarding their hair. Without context or further information, it is unclear what specifically she does not prefer about men’s hair. Possible answers could include long hair, excessive styling, or specific hair colors/styles.

7. Without further information, it is not possible to accurately describe his appearance the last time he was seen. The question asks about how he looked, which could involve various physical and visual characteristics such as facial features, hairstyle, clothing, or any noticeable changes.