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1. What rules of politeness do we need to follow in formal situations? 2. Has the number of people fallen out of

1. What rules of politeness do we need to follow in formal situations?
2. Has the number of people fallen out of work?
3. What rules of etiquette must workers know?
4. Is the process of job searching stressful?
5. Which candidates will be interviewed?
6. How does a longer and more detailed CV differ from a summary?
7. How important is etiquette for getting a job interview?
8. What is the purpose of a cover letter in a job application?


1. In formal situations, there are several rules of politeness that need to be followed. These include:

— Proper greetings: It is important to greet others politely, using appropriate language and tone.
— Using titles and last names: When addressing someone in a formal setting, it is important to use their title (such as Mr., Ms., or Dr.) followed by their last name.
— Being attentive and respectful: Active listening and showing respect towards others is crucial in formal situations.
— Avoiding interrupting others: It is impolite to interrupt someone while they are speaking. Wait for your turn to contribute to the conversation.
— Using polite language: Avoid using slang or informal language in formal situations. It is important to speak and write in a professional manner.

2. The question «Has the number of people fallen out of work?» refers to the unemployment rate. Analyzing the number of people who are currently unemployed is crucial for understanding the employment situation in a country or region. Data on the unemployment rate can be obtained from official government sources or statistical agencies.

3. Workers should be aware of certain rules of etiquette in a professional setting. These can include:

— Punctuality: Arriving on time for work, meetings, and appointments shows respect for others’ time.
— Professional appearance: Dressing appropriately for the workplace and maintaining good personal hygiene is important.
— Respectful communication: Being polite and respectful while interacting with colleagues, supervisors, and clients is crucial.
— Following company policies: Familiarizing oneself with and adhering to the policies and procedures of the organization is essential.
— Office manners: Being mindful of noise levels, keeping the workspace tidy, and respecting personal boundaries are important aspects of workplace etiquette.

4. The process of job searching can often be stressful due to various factors. These may include:

— Competition: There may be a large number of applicants for a limited number of job openings, increasing the pressure to stand out.
— Uncertainty: Not knowing whether one will be selected for an interview or ultimately offered a job can contribute to feelings of stress and anxiety.
— Rejection: Facing rejection from potential employers can be disheartening and may have an impact on one’s self-confidence.
— Financial concerns: A potential lack of income during the job search process can also add to stress levels.

5. The candidates who will be interviewed for a job are typically selected based on certain criteria such as:

— Qualifications and experience: Candidates who meet the required qualifications and possess relevant experience are generally considered for interviews.
— Skills and abilities: The necessary skills and abilities mentioned in the job description play a crucial role in determining which candidates will be interviewed.
— Cover letter and resume: The quality and relevance of a candidate’s cover letter and resume also influence their chances of being selected for an interview.
— Networking and recommendations: Candidates who have strong references or connections within the industry or company may have an increased likelihood of being considered for an interview.

6. A longer and more detailed CV, also known as a curriculum vitae, differs from a summary (or resume) in several ways:

— Length: A CV is generally longer than a resume, as it provides a comprehensive overview of a person’s academic and professional background, including publications, research projects, and academic achievements. A summary, on the other hand, is typically a condensed document, focusing more on relevant work experience and skills.
— Format: CVs often have a standardized format, including sections such as education, work experience, publications, and references. Resumes may follow different formats depending on the industry or job application requirements.
— Purpose: CVs are commonly used in academic and research settings, as well as for certain specialized positions. Resumes are more commonly used in business and corporate environments.
— Target audience: CVs are often tailored for academic positions or positions requiring extensive experience and qualifications. Resumes are more broadly applicable to various professional fields and levels of experience.

7. Etiquette plays an important role in getting a job interview. It can impact the initial impression a potential employer has of a candidate. Here’s why etiquette is important:

— Professionalism: Following proper etiquette demonstrates professionalism and shows that a candidate knows how to conduct themselves in a business setting.
— Attention to detail: Etiquette includes aspects such as dressing appropriately, being punctual, and having good manners, which can leave a positive impression on the hiring manager.
— Respect: Employers appreciate candidates who show respect for others and the work environment, as it indicates that they will likely be respectful towards colleagues and clients.

8. The purpose of a cover letter in a job application is to introduce yourself to the employer and highlight relevant skills and experiences that make you a strong candidate for the position. A cover letter typically includes:

— Introductions: A cover letter begins with a formal greeting and an introduction to the position you are applying for.
— Brief overview: It provides a brief overview of your qualifications, mentioning key skills and experiences that are directly relevant to the job.
— Customization: A well-written cover letter is tailored to the specific job and company you are applying to, demonstrating your genuine interest and understanding of their needs.
— Additional information: You can also use the cover letter to address any additional information that may not be included in your resume, such as an explanation for a career gap or a specific accomplishment.
— Call to action: The cover letter typically ends with a call to action, inviting the employer to review your attached resume and consider you for further steps in the hiring process.