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1. Where does my wife work? 2. Where do I live? 3. Can you come to the house and have some coffee? 4. Where are you

1. Where does my wife work?
2. Where do I live?
3. Can you come to the house and have some coffee?
4. Where are you located?
5. Shall we go to Moscow tomorrow?
6. Is he here with his wife?
7. Where are the books placed?
8. Can you please take this man away?
9. Would you like some water?
10. Are you able to communicate in it?
11. Is my house near the central park?
12. By the way, where is George?
13. Where is the city hall located?
14. What are your working hours?
15. When do you get out of bed?
16. How do you usually travel?


1. To find out where your wife works, you can ask her directly or look for clues such as her workplace ID badge, office address on official documents, or ask her colleagues or friends who may know her work location.

2. To determine where you live, you can provide your address or describe the location of your home, such as the city, neighborhood, or landmarks nearby.

3. To invite someone to your house for coffee, you can ask them if they would like to come over and offer them coffee as a form of hospitality. You can also provide directions to your house if necessary.

4. To know someone’s location, you can ask them where they are currently situated or if they can share their address or landmarks nearby to help identify their location.

5. If you want to suggest going to Moscow tomorrow, you can propose the idea by saying «Shall we go to Moscow tomorrow?» This invites the other person to consider the idea and respond accordingly.

6. To inquire whether someone is accompanied by their spouse, you can ask «Is he here with his wife?» This question asks if the person mentioned is present and accompanied by their wife.

7. To determine the placement of books, you can ask «Where are the books placed?» This question seeks information about the location or position of the books.

8. If you want someone to remove or take away a man, you can politely ask them «Can you please take this man away?» This request asks for assistance in removing the mentioned individual.

9. To offer someone water, you can ask «Would you like some water?» This question extends an invitation for the person to accept or decline water.

10. To inquire about someone’s ability to communicate in a particular language, you can ask «Are you able to communicate in it?» This question asks if the person can effectively communicate in the mentioned language.

11. To determine the proximity of your house to the central park, you can ask «Is my house near the central park?» This question seeks confirmation or clarification regarding the location of your house in relation to the central park.

12. To find out the whereabouts of George, you can ask «By the way, where is George?» This question asks for information about George’s current location.

13. If you want to know the location of the city hall, you can ask «Where is the city hall?» This question seeks the address or directions to the city hall.