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1. What form of the infinitive of the verb in brackets should Robert hope to play in next weeks football match? 2. Why

1. What form of the infinitive of the verb in brackets should Robert hope to play in next weeks football match?
2. Why do Sue and Richard always argue? It seems like they have a few problems.
3. What did I do with my suit? I sent it to be dry-cleaned.
4. Can I ask you for the time? Im sorry to disturb you.
5. Why were you so kind to send all those lovely flowers when I was ill?
6. If he becomes seriously ill, does his wife want to be told immediately?
7. Who is supposed to raise the money for charity?


1. To answer this question, we need to understand the context. Robert is hoping to play a specific position or role in the upcoming football match. The infinitive form of a verb is the base form of the verb, typically preceded by the word «to.» In this case, we need to determine the appropriate form of the verb based on the sentence structure.

For example, if the sentence structure is «Robert hope(s) to play as a (position),» we can fill in the blank with the appropriate form of the verb.

Let’s assume that the verb in brackets is «play» and the sentence structure is «Robert hopes to play as a striker in next week’s football match.»

In this case, the infinitive form of the verb «play» is «to play.» So, Robert should hope to play as a striker in next week’s football match.

2. Sue and Richard always argue because they have a few problems. This statement suggests that there are underlying issues or conflicts between Sue and Richard that lead to their frequent arguments. The exact problems are not mentioned, so we can only infer that there are unresolved disagreements or tensions between them.

3. If the person asking the question is wondering what they did with their suit, and the response is «I sent it to be dry-cleaned,» it means that the person took their suit to a dry-cleaning service to have it cleaned professionally. This implies that the suit was dirty or required special cleaning, and the person chose to send it to a specialized service rather than cleaning it themselves.

4. The person asking if they can ask for the time is expressing a polite apology for potentially disturbing the other person. They are seeking permission to inquire about the current time. The phrase «I’m sorry to disturb you» is used as a form of courtesy or politeness before asking for the time.

5. The person asking why someone was kind enough to send lovely flowers when they were ill is expressing gratitude and curiosity. They are wondering about the motive behind the kind gesture of sending flowers during their illness. The phrase «Why were you so kind to send all those lovely flowers when I was ill?» suggests surprise and appreciation for the gesture.

6. The sentence is incomplete, and the rest cannot be determined based on the given information. Please provide the full sentence or specific details about what the wife wants in order to provide a comprehensive answer.