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1 Are we planning to visit the new shoe shop while were in town? 2 The tickets wont be available until midday. They

1 Are we planning to visit the new shoe shop while were in town?
2 The tickets wont be available until midday. They will be selling all their T-shirts at a discounted price tomorrow. My parents will cover the cost of the meal tomorrow evening.
5 Beth wont be coming to the cinema after she finishes her ballet lesson.
6 Is the market closing for the summer this weekend?
7 The record shop is offering free giveaways


1. Are we planning to visit the new shoe shop while we’re in town?
It is asking if there is a plan to visit the new shoe shop while in town. To answer this question, you need to think about whether or not you have discussed or considered visiting the new shoe shop. If you have made plans or expressed interest in going to the shop, then the answer would be «Yes, we are planning to visit the new shoe shop while we are in town.» If you haven’t made any plans or expressed interest in going to the shop, then the answer would be «No, we are not planning to visit the new shoe shop while we are in town.»

2. The tickets won’t be available until midday. They will be selling all their T-shirts at a discounted price tomorrow.
This statement provides two separate pieces of information. Firstly, it states that the tickets will not be available until midday. This means that you cannot purchase the tickets before midday. Secondly, it states that tomorrow, all the T-shirts will be sold at a discounted price. This means that the prices of the T-shirts will be lower than usual.

3. My parents will cover the cost of the meal tomorrow evening.
This sentence implies that someone’s parents will pay for the meal tomorrow evening. This means that whoever is speaking or being referred to in the sentence will not have to pay for the meal because their parents will take care of it.

4. Beth won’t be coming to the cinema after she finishes her ballet lesson.
This statement suggests that Beth has a ballet lesson and will not be able to come to the cinema afterward. This means that Beth will not be joining the speaker or the group going to the cinema after her ballet lesson.

5. Is the market closing for the summer this weekend?
This question is inquiring about whether or not the market will be closed for the summer this weekend. You would need to refer to any information you have about the market to answer this question. If you know that the market closes for the summer at this time, the answer would be «Yes, the market is closing for the summer this weekend.» If you don’t have any information or are unsure, the answer would be «I’m not sure if the market is closing for the summer this weekend.»

6. The record shop is offering free giveaways.
This statement informs you that the record shop is giving away items for free, known as free giveaways. This means that you can go to the record shop and receive items without having to pay for them. The specific items that are being given away would not be mentioned in this statement and would need to be determined through further information or by visiting the record shop.