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In pairs, collaborate to connect the parts. 1) mass media — paper with a layer of coating 2) print media — television

In pairs, collaborate to connect the parts. 1) mass media — paper with a layer of coating 2) print media — television and radio 3) magazines — electronic devices 4) newspapers — books, newspapers 5) broadcast media — daily/weekly 6) digital media — assortment of various.


1) Mass media — paper with a layer of coating:
Mass media refers to various means of communication that reach a large audience, such as newspapers, magazines, television, and radio. One of the common forms of mass media is printed materials, like newspapers and magazines, which are typically printed on paper. To enhance the appearance and durability of printed materials, a layer of coating is often applied to the paper. This coating can be a glossy finish that gives a shiny and polished look to the printed material.

2) Print media — television and radio:
Print media is a type of mass media that includes newspapers, magazines, and other printed materials. It primarily relies on the printed word to convey information. On the other hand, television and radio are forms of broadcast media that use audio and visual elements to communicate with the audience. While print media relies on physical printing and distribution of materials, television and radio broadcast their content through electronic signals that are received by televisions and radios.

3) Magazines — electronic devices:
Magazines are a form of print media that provides detailed articles, photographs, and features on a specific topic of interest. Traditionally, magazines were printed on paper and distributed physically. However, with advancements in technology, magazines are now also available in digital formats, which can be accessed through electronic devices such as smartphones, tablets, and computers. Digital magazines offer the convenience of instant access, interactive features, and the ability to view multimedia content like videos and animations.

4) Newspapers — books, newspapers:
Newspapers are another form of print media that contain current news and information. They are typically published daily or weekly and consist of articles, editorials, advertisements, and other sections. Newspapers are distinct from books as they focus on providing up-to-date information about recent events. Unlike books, newspapers are published at regular intervals and have a greater emphasis on news, while books are more often used for storytelling or in-depth exploration of a specific topic. However, both newspapers and books fall under the print media category as they rely on the physical printing and distribution of content.

5) Broadcast media — daily/weekly:
Broadcast media refers to forms of mass media that transmit information, entertainment, and news through electronic signals. This includes television and radio broadcasting. The term «broadcast» implies the transmission of content to a widespread audience, often in real-time. Broadcast media differs from print media in that it reaches the audience through the airwaves or cables, as opposed to being physically printed and distributed. Daily or weekly in this context refers to the frequency of the broadcast. For example, a daily news program on television or a weekly radio show.

6) Digital media — assortment of various:
Digital media refers to any content that is stored and transmitted digitally, typically through electronic devices and computer networks. It encompasses a wide range of formats, such as websites, mobile applications, social media platforms, online videos, podcasts, and more. Digital media can include text, images, audio, and video elements. It also allows for interactivity and personalization, as users can engage with the content, customize their experience, and share it with others. The variety and assortment of digital media options are vast, making it a versatile and rapidly evolving form of mass communication.