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1 Do they speak Polish or not? 2 Does Sue listen to the radio or not with her MP3 player? 3 Does David meet friends at

1 Do they speak Polish or not?
2 Does Sue listen to the radio or not with her MP3 player?
3 Does David meet friends at the weekend or not go to school?
4 Do we have dinner at 8.00 pm or not at 7.00 pm?
5 Does T watch computer games or not play TV in the evening?
6 Does Gina tidy her room or not, according to Ginas mom?


1. To answer the first question, we need to determine whether or not «they» (the people being referred to) speak Polish. This information is not provided in the question, so we cannot give a definitive answer. We would need more context or information to determine if «they» speak Polish or not.

2. To answer the second question, we need to determine whether or not Sue listens to the radio with her MP3 player. According to the question, Sue either listens to the radio or does not listen with her MP3 player. Again, without further information, we cannot give a definitive answer. We would need to know Sue’s preferences or habits to determine if she listens to the radio with her MP3 player or not.

3. The third question asks if David meets friends at the weekend or does not go to school. It seems like these are two separate activities being mentioned. Without more context or information, we cannot determine if David meets friends at the weekend or does not go to school. We would need additional details about David’s schedule or plans.

4. The fourth question asks about the timing of having dinner. It asks if «we» have dinner at 8:00 pm or not at 7:00 pm. Without more information about the meal schedule or routine, we cannot determine the specific time «we» have dinner. We would need additional details or context to give a definitive answer.

5. The fifth question asks about the activities of «T» in the evening. It asks if «T» watches computer games or plays TV. The wording of the question is a bit unclear, but it seems like «T» either watches computer games or plays TV in the evening. Without further information about «T» and their preferences, we cannot determine if «T» watches computer games or plays TV in the evening.

6. The last question asks about Gina’s room cleanliness according to Gina’s mom. It asks if Gina tidies her room or not, based on what her mom says. Without knowing what Gina’s mom says or any additional information, we cannot determine if Gina tidies her room or not according to her mom. We would need to know Gina’s mom’s opinion or any specific statements she makes about Gina tidying her room.