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1. Who was fed by the goose? 2. Who has been given a pair of smelly shoes by the man? 3. Who is woken up every morning

1. Who was fed by the goose?
2. Who has been given a pair of smelly shoes by the man?
3. Who is woken up every morning by the cat?
4. Who were caught by the police?
5. Whose clothes are being destroyed by Barbie?
6. Who was caught by the fishermen?


1. The goose fed the person/people who were hungry or needed food.
— The answer to this question depends on the context of the situation. It could be a specific person or a group of people who were fed by the goose. For example, if the story mentions a hungry family or a group of homeless people, they would be the ones fed by the goose.

2. The man gave a pair of smelly shoes to someone.
— Again, the answer depends on the context provided by the story. It could be a specific person or a group of people who received the smelly shoes. For example, if the story talks about the man playing a prank on his friend or giving unwanted shoes to a charity, then the friend or the charity would be the ones given the smelly shoes.

3. The cat wakes up a specific person every morning.
— In this case, there is a specific person who is woken up by the cat regularly. This person could be the owner of the cat or someone who lives with the cat. The cat could be an alarm clock for that person, jumping on their bed or meowing loudly to wake them up.

4. The police caught a person/people who were doing something illegal or against the law.
— The answer to this question would be the individuals who were caught by the police for their involvement in criminal activities. It could be a thief, a group of robbers, or any other lawbreaker mentioned in the story.

5. Barbie is destroying the clothes of someone.
— The person whose clothes are being destroyed by Barbie would be the owner of those clothes. This could be a friend, a sibling, or a neighbor who borrowed clothes from the person.

6. The fishermen caught a specific person or a group of people.
— Similar to the previous questions, the answer depends on the context. The fishermen caught a person or a group of people who were mentioned in the story. It could be individuals fishing without a license, trespassing, or engaging in any other activity that the fishermen found to be wrong or illegal.