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What is the severity of a bug in the apps navigation that doesnt affect the apps functionalities but may make it

What is the severity of a bug in the apps navigation that doesnt affect the apps functionalities but may make it difficult to access non-critical sections?


Severity refers to the level of impact or harm that a bug or issue can cause. In the case of a bug in the app’s navigation that doesn’t affect the app’s functionalities but may make it difficult to access non-critical sections, the severity level would be considered low or minor.

Here’s a detailed explanation to help a student understand:

1. Bug Description: The bug is related to the app’s navigation, meaning the way users move around the app and access different sections or features. This bug, however, doesn’t impact the core functionalities of the app, such as its main purpose or critical features.

2. Impact: As mentioned, the bug doesn’t affect the main functionalities of the app. This means that users can still use the app for its intended purpose without any hindrance. However, the bug may make it more challenging or inconvenient to access non-critical sections.

3. Non-critical sections: Non-critical sections refer to parts of the app that are not essential or crucial for the app’s main functionality. These could include settings, help or support pages, additional features, or any other sections that aren’t directly related to the app’s primary purpose.

4. Difficulty in accessing non-critical sections: The bug’s impact is primarily on the ease of accessing non-critical sections. This could mean that there may be issues with navigating through the app’s menus, buttons, or links that lead to these non-critical sections. For example, a button that is supposed to take users to the settings page may not work correctly or may be hidden or hard to find due to the bug.

5. Severity level: Based on the impact described above, the severity level of this bug would be considered low or minor. While it may cause inconvenience to users who want to access non-critical sections, it doesn’t affect the main functionalities or critical operations of the app. It doesn’t pose a significant risk of data loss, system crashes, or any other severe consequences.

To summarize, the severity of a bug in the app’s navigation that doesn’t affect the app’s functionalities but may make it difficult to access non-critical sections is considered low or minor. It primarily causes inconvenience but doesn’t hinder the primary purpose or critical features of the app.