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Can you create a diary entry about a school excursion, using Calums diary as a guide? Feel free to consult dictionaries

Can you create a diary entry about a school excursion, using Calums diary as a guide? Feel free to consult dictionaries for unfamiliar words.


Dear Diary,

Today was such an exciting day! We went on a school excursion and it was so much fun. I want to tell you all about it.

First, let me introduce you to my classmates. There’s Sarah, my best friend, and Jack, who always makes everyone laugh. Then there’s Emily, who is really good at math, and Thomas, who loves playing sports. Finally, there’s our teacher, Mrs. Johnson, who is always so kind and patient with us.

We woke up really early this morning because the bus was scheduled to pick us up at 7:00 am. I was so excited that I couldn’t sleep properly the night before. As soon as we got on the bus, everyone started chatting and sharing their expectations for the day.

Our destination was the local zoo, which I had never been to before. I love animals, so I couldn’t wait to see all the different species up close. When we arrived, Mrs. Johnson divided us into small groups and gave each group a map of the zoo. This way, we could explore the zoo independently and learn about the animals we were most interested in.

The first animal we visited was the lions. They were so majestic and powerful! We learned that lions are the kings of the jungle and they live in groups called prides. I never knew that before! We also saw zebras, giraffes, and elephants. It was amazing to see these incredible creatures in person.

After spending some time observing the animals, we had a picnic lunch on a nice grassy area. It was great to sit down and relax while enjoying the fresh air. We shared our food, played games, and laughed a lot. It felt like a mini picnic party!

Next, we went to the reptile house. I have to admit, I’m not a big fan of snakes and lizards, but it was fascinating to learn about them. We saw different types of snakes, like pythons and cobras, and even got to touch a small harmless snake. It felt strange and scaly, but it was a great opportunity to face my fears.

Towards the end of the day, we visited the penguin exhibit. Penguins are adorable! We watched them waddle around and swim in the large pool. They have such funny movements, and their black and white feathers are so cute. I could have spent hours just watching them.

Finally, it was time to leave the zoo. We gathered near the entrance and Mrs. Johnson asked us to share our favorite moments of the day. Everyone had something different to share, from the lions to the penguins, and even the picnic lunch. It was nice to hear everyone’s experiences and realize how much we had learned and enjoyed ourselves.

I had an incredible time on this excursion. It was not only a fun day out with my friends but also an educational experience. I learned so much about different animals and habitats. I can’t wait for our next school excursion!

Yours faithfully,
[Your Name]