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№1. Select the correct verb form (present simple passive or present continuous passive) to fill in the sentences. Jazz

№1. Select the correct verb form (present simple passive or present continuous passive) to fill in the sentences. Jazz music (is always played/ is always being played) in the streets of New Orleans. The guests (are served/are being served) in the restaurant currently. When the necessary data (is found/is being found), you can save it on the computer. Our luggage (is checked/ is being checked) at the customs presently. Music (is turned/is being turned) down after 11.


always played) in the background of the restaurant. In order to determine the correct verb form, we need to consider the tense and voice of the sentence.

When we use the present simple passive, we are talking about a general or habitual action that is performed on the subject. In this case, we are talking about jazz music and its general occurrence in the streets of New Orleans. Therefore, the correct form is «Jazz music is always played in the streets of New Orleans.»

On the other hand, when we use the present continuous passive, we are talking about an action that is happening at the moment of speaking or around the current time. In the second sentence, we are talking about the current guests being served in the restaurant. Therefore, the correct form is «The guests are being served in the restaurant currently.»

In the third sentence, we are talking about finding necessary data and saving it on the computer. Since finding data is a process that is currently happening, we need to use the present continuous passive form. Therefore, the correct form is «When the necessary data is being found, you can save it on the computer.»

In the fourth sentence, the luggage is currently being checked at the customs. This is a temporary action happening at the moment. Therefore, the correct form is «Our luggage is being checked at the customs presently.»

Finally, in the last sentence, we are talking about the general occurrence of music being played in the background of the restaurant. Therefore, the correct form is «Music is always played in the background of the restaurant.»

To summarize:

— Jazz music is always played in the streets of New Orleans.
— The guests are being served in the restaurant currently.
— When the necessary data is being found, you can save it on the computer.
— Our luggage is being checked at the customs presently.
— Music is always played in the background of the restaurant.