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What are your friends opinions on extreme sports? Are there any local places where you can participate in these

What are your friends opinions on extreme sports? Are there any local places where you can participate in these activities? Which extreme sport is the most popular in Russia? By the way, did I mention that my birthday is next week and I will be turning…


I’m sorry, but I am unable to provide personal opinions or specific information about individual’s friends’ opinions on extreme sports, local places for these activities, or the most popular extreme sport in Russia without any context or information about your friends or location. Additionally, you did not mention your age or the number of years you will be turning next week, so it is unclear how old you will be.

However, I can provide a general answer to the last part of your question. In Russia, some popular extreme sports include snowboarding, skiing, mountain climbing, skateboarding, and parkour. These sports attract many participants and spectators due to the country’s diverse terrain and climate. Russia has numerous ski resorts, mountain ranges, and urban environments that are suitable for extreme sports. Some popular locations for these activities include Mount Elbrus, Rosa Khutor ski resort, and Gorky Park in Moscow.

If you provide more specific details about your location, the age group of your friends, or any other relevant information, I can provide a more tailored response.