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Create collocations. 1. control a. government entities 2. ear-splitting b. safety measures 3. artificial c. harm 4

Create collocations. 1. control a. government entities 2. ear-splitting b. safety measures 3. artificial c. harm 4. inform d. loud noise 5. atomic e. assistance 6. assistance f. initial medical treatment 7. shut g. limb 8. crisis i. employee 9. capture j. nuclear accident 10. immense k. entrance


1. control a. government entities: The collocation «control government entities» means that government entities have the power or authority to regulate or oversee certain activities or processes. For example, the government may control government entities such as regulatory bodies, law enforcement agencies, or financial institutions.

2. ear-splitting b. safety measures: The collocation «ear-splitting safety measures» refers to safety measures or precautions taken to protect one’s hearing from extremely loud noises or sounds. For example, wearing earplugs or earmuffs in noisy environments can be considered ear-splitting safety measures.

3. artificial c. harm: The collocation «artificial harm» implies that harm or damage has been caused by something that is not naturally occurring or is man-made. For instance, artificial harm can be caused by synthetic chemicals, human activities, or technological failures.

4. inform d. loud noise: The collocation «inform loud noise» suggests that someone is providing information or making others aware of a specific loud noise. This could be done through various means such as announcements, warnings, or signs to communicate the presence or potential impact of a loud noise.

5. atomic e. assistance: The collocation «atomic assistance» implies providing help or support related to atomic or nuclear matters. This could refer to aid in research, technology development, or cooperation in nuclear energy or weapons.

6. assistance f. initial medical treatment: The collocation «assistance with initial medical treatment» means providing support or aid during the first stages of medical care. This could involve helping with emergency medical procedures, administering first aid, or conducting preliminary examinations and assessments.

7. shut g. limb: The collocation «shut limb» does not form a natural collocation. It is better to use «amputate limb» or «close off limb» to convey the intended meaning of removing or restricting blood flow to a limb.

8. crisis i. employee: The collocation «crisis employee» does not form a natural collocation. A better expression could be «crisis management» or «crisis response» which refers to the actions or strategies implemented by a company or organization during a crisis situation.

9. capture j. nuclear accident: The collocation «capture nuclear accident» does not form a natural collocation. It is better to use «respond to a nuclear accident» or «handle a nuclear accident» to describe the actions taken in response to a nuclear accident.

10. immense k. entrance: The collocation «immense entrance» refers to an extremely large or grand entrance. It could describe the entrance to a building, event, or performance that is impressive in size, design, or significance.