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2. Provide Russian equivalents for the following words and phrases: Non-work hours, time off, to favor, engage in

2. Provide Russian equivalents for the following words and phrases: Non-work hours, time off, to favor, engage in activities, time at the end of the week, assemble, preferred pastime, pursuit, limit, to be dedicated to, toward the southern direction, familiar universe.

3. Respond to the following queries: 1) What activities do individuals favor during their non-work hours? 2) Do students have ample time for relaxation? 3) Why are they very occupied? 4) How do you utilize your free time?

4. Pair the words in the columns. 1. free time 2. additional time


) How can individuals limit their screen time and engage in more productive activities? 4) What are some preferred pastimes or hobbies in your country?