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Exercise 1. Paraphrase the questions: 1. How is the progress of IT different from other types of progress? 2. What are

Exercise 1. Paraphrase the questions:
1. How is the progress of IT different from other types of progress?
2. What are the characteristics of the information society?
3. What is the significance of information in this society?
4. According to the passage, who will have better job opportunities in the near future and why?
5. What are the potential risks of having widespread access to information?
6. What environmentally friendly sources of energy are you familiar with?
7. In what ways can scientific innovations impact our daily lives?
8. What impact can technological advances have on various industries?


practices can individuals adopt in their daily lives?
7. How does technology impact the modern education system?
8. What are the benefits of digital communication?
9. Explain the concept of «virtual reality» and its applications.
10. How does the Internet influence globalization?