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1. Was the girl looked for everywhere? 2. Are the patients well looked after by her? 3. Is a new cinema being built

1. Was the girl looked for everywhere?
2. Are the patients well looked after by her?
3. Is a new cinema being built round the corner by them?
4. Was the man being looked at with great surprise by us?
5. Were the walls being painted by the workers at 10 oclock?
6. Will the work be done in the evening by us?
7. Was this book written in the 19th century by him?
8. Were you being asked to do something?


1. Was the girl looked for everywhere?
To answer this question, we need to understand the meaning of «looked for.» In this sentence, it means that someone was searching for the girl in various places.
So, the question is asking whether someone searched everywhere for the girl or not.
A possible answer could be: «Yes, the girl was looked for everywhere. People searched in all possible places to find her.»

2. Are the patients well looked after by her?
The question is asking if the patients are taken care of properly by the mentioned person.
To answer this, we need to understand that «looked after» means providing care, attention, and support to someone.
A possible answer could be: «Yes, the patients are well looked after by her. She takes good care of them and provides necessary support.»

3. Is a new cinema being built round the corner by them?
This question is asking whether the mentioned group of people is constructing a new cinema in the nearby area.
To answer this, we need to understand that «being built» implies an ongoing process of construction.
A possible answer could be: «Yes, a new cinema is being built round the corner by them. They are currently constructing it.»

4. Was the man being looked at with great surprise by us?
The question is asking whether a group of people were observing the man with a significant amount of surprise.
To answer this, we need to understand that «being looked at» means someone was being watched or observed.
A possible answer could be: «Yes, the man was being looked at with great surprise by us. We were observing him in a state of astonishment.»

5. Were the walls being painted by the workers at 10 o’clock?
The question is asking whether the workers were painting the walls at a specific time, which is 10 o’clock in this case.
To answer this, we need to understand that «being painted» indicates an ongoing action of applying paint to the walls.
A possible answer could be: «Yes, the walls were being painted by the workers at 10 o’clock. They were actively applying paint to the walls at that time.»

6. Will the work be done in the evening by us?
The question is asking whether a group of people will complete the work in the evening.
To answer this, we need to understand that «will be done» implies a future action of completing the work.
A possible answer could be: «Yes, the work will be done in the evening by us. We are planning to finish it by that time.»

7. Was this book written in the 19th century by him?
The question is asking whether a person wrote this book during the 19th century.
To answer this, we need to understand that «was written» indicates a past action of writing the book.
A possible answer could be: «Yes, this book was written in the 19th century by him. He wrote it during that time period.»

8. Were you being asked to do something?
The question is asking whether the person being addressed was requested or instructed to do something.
To answer this, we need to understand that «being asked» implies someone asking for help or assistance.
A possible answer could be: «Yes, I was being asked to do something. Someone requested my help or requested me to perform a task.»