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1. Identify the word that does not belong in each group: a) Identify the word that stands out: smell, taste, say

1. Identify the word that does not belong in each group:
a) Identify the word that stands out: smell, taste, say, feel.
b) Identify the word that does not fit: catering, education, law, experience.
c) Find the word that is not like the others: punctual, relaxing, reliable, mature.
d) Select the word that is different: subway, elevator, holiday, downtown.
e) Pick the word that is not in the same category: biography, fantasy, sculpture, science fiction.

2. Mark the correct choices:
a) Choose the proper word: she is wearing some plain flowery/leather shoes.
b) Determine which word is not allowed for children to wear at school: shoelaces/earrings.
c) Remember to express gratitude: dont forget to say/tell thank you.


, mystery, banana.
f) Determine the word that is not related: guitar, drums, piano, music.
g) Choose the word that doesn’t belong: cat, dog, horse, book.

a) In this group, the word that stands out is «say». This is because the other words are all related to our senses — smell, taste, and feel.
b) The word that does not fit in this group is «education». This is because the other words — catering, law, and experience — are all related to specific fields or industries, while education is a broader term.
c) The word that is not like the others in this group is «relaxing». This is because all the other words — punctual, reliable, and mature — describe personal qualities or characteristics, whereas relaxing describes a state or feeling.
d) The word that is different in this group is «holiday». This is because the other words — subway, elevator, and downtown — are all related to transportation or locations, whereas holiday is related to time off or vacations.
e) The word that is not in the same category is «banana». This is because the other words — biography, fantasy, mystery — are all genres or types of books, whereas banana is a type of fruit.
f) The word that is not related in this group is «music». This is because the other words — guitar, drums, and piano — are all musical instruments, whereas music is a broader term encompassing all types of instruments and sounds.
g) The word that doesn’t belong in this group is «book». This is because the other words — cat, dog, and horse — are all living beings, whereas book is an inanimate object.